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World War Eat! (Rotten Roll Rex 2006)

   Sounding like the chaos chief and his crew of cooks having a terrible bloody mess fighting inside the kitchen as the guttural vocals admitting the Grind-Porn gory scenes habitual related process of ritual onto thus messy torturing as the intestines or private parts being cut by meat cleaver or a slaughtered human slowly bleeding in a disgusting panorama making lame people vomit so hard and the essential brutality led by Satan’s Revenge on Mankind really fits through their album Goreblast where 24 tracks of violent purifications and shit bombs shall slapping your face before the band’s decided to skinned you alive and covering you later with feces. 
   The dilemma sexual harassment and politic protests on Vaticandestruction, We Come to Eat You, Gorevolution and many other themes related to cannibalism or hardcore slaying sex might never sounded boring after all for this German maniacs.


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