Not the real person or endorsement that related to the character from that life-time good movie reflections but just a lucky coincidence; having this Emo-Pop or Folkcoustic Post-Punk performance from Walter Mitty and His Makeshift Orchestra giving us the quite entertaining simple home-made, bonuses room recording or parent’s garage and classrooms grandma’s tool shed timing which looks familiar and usual but if you think again back from the starting process – things like this might clinging on some more quite interesting as yourself needs to arranged and writing those songs as then recording them one by two and three until the album finished and while other fortunate bands can easily distributes their recording release for one area; Walter Mitty and his friends, etc must working harder because they’re doing it independently and fully not surprising if either they would succeeded or not.
Using the releasing of Well Soon – the album that really covering the special efforts showing by the group on twelve tracks such as Caterpillars, Holy Cannoli, Post Graduation Oblivion, Good Grace If Only, Fine Thanks, Walks on Alberta or Chamomile; wont destroying the gifted presents wrapped under the black board chalks drawings or the whistling harmony that invites you to hum and then sing with them, celebrating easy little things in lives following the music mixing by Walter, Kris, Jake and Milk.
Well Soon:
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