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Betharram Infernum (Self-Released 2014)


   The more Traditional of non-existence infamy Goth-Rock with some glamour threats and less Pop culture points viewing the misery over the builder the band’s hometown of Chilly-Mazarin, France within long-terms of underground musical career releasing albums after albums and then the last effort comes in form of Gloom Over This Hope; revealing the time-relapse Loic Malassagne personal project turned to a fictional group with more additional members performance and on photographs of the artworks – making this recording more timeless period in the making of intense products of Gothic Rock wrecking sounds glimmering the glitters of Doomy soundtracks and melodic six-strings element for recurring the illness caused by popular music infections on the youngster society.
   Invading Chapel might established its name not because only for the personal man himself playing all the music instruments and vocals but for the endless spirits that endorsing the bountiful visual and sound effects towards the lights – consumed by the blurry dark via Countess Lunacy, Hope Lucidity, Seduction Skills, The Army of Doves or Erosion. 

In the unholy harmony of tones there’s no Forgiveness … 

Gloom Over This Hope:

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