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BioloRgy 101 (Splatter Zombie Records 2016)


   A tied-up good looking school girl desperately trying to seek for any help possible on her but seems that fate had sealed the chances because she cannot escaping the kidnapping and soon to be an unimaginable tortures of gory sexual processions before her last breath captured by the split recording of these Mexicano maniacs Gore-Grind bands or project under the baptizing name of TxPxFx/Pigtails rewarding every single worldwide psychotic thoughts in adult actions of the infamous snuff album here on School of Porn.
   We would having the lessons quite dreadful full of blood and screams as the guttural vocals leading the insanity to the exact pointing places – the innocent girl with no more hope to run and as the beginning of press play for this sickening music started – listeners will be totally, entering the world of madness where humanity is already raped and burn to its vanishing death; don’t you ever saying sorry for head-banging towards the manic fast horrible tempos or thus desiring sexual samples on Lesson 08: Recess Came De Teen or Lesson 13: How to Detect Silicone Boobs and or Fat Boobs or studying more Grinding Gore slams through Lesson 10: How to Split and Lick A Big Thick Clit are just examples of on earth these kinds of countless forbidden tracks from these Mexican Porno-gangsters really comes to you like a weekend package of horrid pleasures – known to the very best sick people around stalking for victims using this recording from John Pigtails (guitar, bass, drum programming) and Jona Rata (did the live vocals) as their national anthem !

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