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Fxck The Clock (Black Totem Records 2016)

Sounding like the legendary Aberdeen trio led by Kurt Cobain’s comeback from the dead as the feedback, the distortions and the distinctive vocals – all changed to better, softer and more commercial than they’re used to be; wait a second for this is not Nirvana but Dr. Chan – a Paris. France Garage/Doom/Punk Rock group that consisting of a trio whose mixing their liking for Skater-Punk, Garage Rock or Indie-Pop by the power-riffs off Heavy Rock plus distortions but then suddenly, can changes to any repertoir clues pointing to The Beach Boys as they’re mixed commonly by the adrenalized life of youth with Paris’ triple x love on the stereo. 
Taste the contrary sounds of Dr Chan through their releasing on Mental Dhead and you shall then, knowing the originality mixes which may bridging the gap between Alternative Hard Rock and melodic Pop by power of musical persuasion made well like this one here. Simple, rocking, silly, romantic and in rage must be fixated in balance so that you can keep on enjoying the odd tracks like Sleepin Like A Horse, My Kind, I Don’t Wanna Be A Ghost and Always Fun – stating that the pulse of living for Alternative Rock still luckily alive nowadays and the fascist media wont stopping it to growing back again like Mental Dhead.

Mental Dhead:

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