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Margaritas Ringtone Viral (A24 2014)


   Psychological and horribly deranged of an unfortunate event happens without any alarming blare before it’s too late to happened to you or one of the Canadian podcaster host Wallace Bryton as he went for a fatal interview after one main planned fails caused of the suicidal act of his reliable source as for himself he’s not a good guy at all whom always cheating on his girlfriend since the podcast show turning to be famously bigger than Wallace and Teddy Craft had dreaming of before. Finding a replacement interesting interview with a retirement crippled seaman for a once a lifetime story; Wallace decided to go by himself to the oldman’s cabin and finding such a creepy interesting experience of Mr. Howard Howe about how he got saved by a giant walrus called Mr. Tusk helping him from the ship-wreckage or the big pile of cold and lonely hunger surviving time of himself as then he caught that animal and kills it before then consumed it for surviving that terrible accident. Wallace talks and drank the tea only to finding him next morning being strapped in a wheelchair tied up as Howard Howe lying about his real condition which actually, very much alive and healthy and he’s a weird  dangerous psychotic in the flesh beginning to soothing him while slowly doing the terrible surgery on Wallace for thus tiring bloody hours and messy results turning that poor drugged young man into a scary rigid walrus-like creature chained on the mad man’s basement, feeding it with raw fish. The Horror-Comedy movie Tusk directed by Kevin Smith and composed in music by Christopher Drake really showing the audience about how terribly a rural remote area where it supposed to be a peaceful natural location can easily turned to a horrid end for someone’s happy life as the missing of Wallace Bryton finally brings girlfriend Ally and Teddy with the help of a former Surete du Quebec inspector Guy LaPonte finding out about the madness acts of Howard Howe whose already killed many people before Wallace turning and alters them into walruses-like pet creatures which never surviving longer than Mr. Bryton turned to Mr. Tusk in behavior and deranged crazy thought that he is a real life walrus. The story ended up sad as there’s no chances for saving Wallace and turning him back to normal again. The tracks like Fleetwood Mac’s Tusk, Los Lobos’ Triumphant Salute or more classics from 101 Strings Orchestra and that sad Pop-tunes from Gerard Way – O Waly Waly.

Tragic …


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