Might being considerable as the similar Heavy Metal band like The Netherlands version of Anthrax as well as the facts that these Utrech Province's group actually, aren't just a Thrash Metal unit after all thus decades from the eighties crossing the new millennium age where the five-piece members looking solid for many times in sickness or health currents really would be the group's powerful elements for then releasing the ultimate Extreme Heavy Metal/Speed/Death/Thrash mixing record through You Are Next. Becoming one of Holland's best Heavy Metal groups within now a classic semi-cult status awaits a little bit longer to be legends - the crushing music, pounding beats and heavy riffs with techniques and growler vocals leading Martyr; Rick Bouwman (guitars), Marcel Haesakkers (guitars), Rop van Haren (vocals, acoustic guitar), Wilfried Broekman (drums) and Jeffrey Bryan Rijnsburger (bass) pleasurely - cranking their efforts towards the double pedals and lead solos of slicing pacts through Inch by Inch, Infinity, Souls Breathe, Unborn Evil or Mother's Tear. You Are Next is an ultimate six-arming female figure turned to a killer satisfied for ending your happy life right after the album finished.
Beware yourself suckers !!!
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