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Order 66 (Independent 2016)


   Naming after the politician profiled scum-ass environmentalist fakers fuck as you know who – Al Goregrind actually, is the perpetual project that designates its existence for the glory of explosive mutilated music legacy on Gore-Grind scene where the sounds didn’t really cares anymore about structures and the lyrics obligates the destructive passions over mankind as a hateful anti-social ripping your rib-cages and eaten your intestines and your flesh alive while hyper-speeding within this infamous album Crushing The Feeble.
   Hailing itself from the promising influences over Star Wars, Porn ideas and activity to the very brutal forms of Death Metal in blending towards the effort recording on this Frankfurt am Hesse – Germany; the members with funny sick names like Disable Baby Fetus, Virgin Raping Octopus to Queef Richards or Henry Killfister really didn’t making you wanted to ignoring the album with that skinny war-droid holding a lightsaber fighting the crustacean monster creature within the demolishing tracks of non-fortune but dirty and hilarious like Wookie Rampage, Jedi Scum, To The Near Deathstar (in a vary jazzy intro) and Fear is The Path that Leads to Dark Side as it wiser not as it sounds. 

Was Eine Kranker Wurst ! 

Crushing The Feeble:

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