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Sarlacc Boonta Eve (Bandcamp 2015)


   Not many Star Wars fans would experience a good quality relationships with George Lucas the Jedi Master of Sci-Fi film-maker; one of the unlucky few is The Tusken Raiders a/k/a Michael Paradinas from Wimbledon, UK whose a daily music composer and sampler basher being annoyingly sued over cause of the name chosen which have matched the character from Star Wars merchandises. As The Tusken Raiders are humanoid creature-like whom living in the outskirt desert parts of Tatooine as a race of sand-dweller or scavenging ill-tempered race to dealing with. Specialist offering on his extended play recording of Under Two tatooine Suns e.p; you would hear some of thus samples that most of the Star Wars’ fanatic fans knew since then until now as the ferocious Electronic Power-violence Hardcore Metal beats of an irregular noises recorded in a possessive methods of ideas from Michael Paradinas himself considerable as a non-commercial record but Mr. Lucas and his imperial lawyers’ guards thought differently after they discovered and figuring up about this rebellion recording of using illegal samples from Star Wars. The primitive lifestyle of short-term timing beats which must be a debated issues among the sci-fi kingdom and mercenaries hackers to discuss. The technology abilities of this primitive lifestyle probably bred the harsh digital sounds that you and your money wouldn’t be going to purchased. The Tusken Raiders soon will have to change their point of views or new paradigm that this Phoenix, Arizona after changing their names into Rude As Tingker as Paradinas also having tons of aliases in his musical career such as Jacke Slazenger or Kid Spatula to Chris Morrison on sending the short-durations e.p with the Single File Hide Your Numbers or the ride Upon The Bantha’s Back which reflecting the real habitat of these desert scavengers people listening to those guttural, expressive language on grunts or shouts.
   Non-ordinary mini album to have by you but the viciousness of colonized force warriors of The Tusken Raiders shall never be turning for loving kindness – A long time ago … In a galaxy far, far away … 


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