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Sonic Invisible Adelita (Bandcamp 2014)

   From Richmond – Virginia; the Slime-Surf and Punk-Pop related rockers consisting of Raph Katchinoff (drums, puncher), Gabe Lopez (thud staff, vox), John Sizemore (guitfiddle, baritone guitar), Joe Lunsford (tambourine) and John Thompson (pedal steel) turning tides using their energetic music providers based on The Milkstains faster speeding top gear Rock N’ Roll traffics through the infamous lesser-known recording release like this one – Broken Bones; off themselves to be shared to the worldwide webbing people and those whom loving Garage Rock or spaghetti Western Punk just like the front cover artwork showing crippled guy having knives on his hands ready to make more chaotic than just having his face melts or got a piece of tart-cakes thrown onto him by someone. Pissing off or not; you gotta believe that this recording of Broken Bones is freshly retro but would offering you and friends to dance silly on your porch or under the basement; kissing and giggles with your girls on the beach or just unluckily, feeling sorry for oneself next to the bridge as the big train approaching. 
   Leave your troublesome and sing along louder or bang your head to the sick spontaneous melodies through Let Us Down or Carrion Crow to heart of Mine and Sidewalks to Heavy Water; don’t just standing there and regrets today cause tomorrow might giving you more or the next day and the other next day still being kind to kicking your butts so that you realizing that life goes on – so why being normal and bored to death ?

Broken Bones:

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