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Spin Zone (Bandcamp 2015)


   Grunge-fuzzing actions like Garage Rock implementation to disguising as a recording treatment for a kidney-operated patient on a sickening painful sounding effects to listen towards the magnificent trio works for the Minneapolis group Blood Cookie.
   One might did wanted to try the entire record of Sad Party Animal for a good cause honoring thus long-gone genre that built the Alternative Rock kingdom from naïve to sell-out but this rockers: Jordan Stieninger (guitars/vocals/bass), Pall Collier (drums) and Tom Mooney (bass/guitar/vocals) bursting the buzzing Heaven is a Halfpipe, Maggie The Mouse or Emotional Eating leads us to uncontrollable life where fast-food is oxygen and god is on vacation. 

For the likes of Kurt Cobain, Sonic Youth and acid-mountain(ed) dew’s version of Pavement.

Sad Party Animal:

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