Decomposed and
had too much dosage of influences from Cult Horror Movies and dark humor for
their lyrics ideas creatively gore and horrible and definitely not suitable for
all ages – the Swedish Thrash/Black Metal and Crust-Core with dirty Pop sensibility
has got their grips upon the attentions off them whose liking extreme music
such as Heavy Metal, Black Thrashers and fast killer riffs of Crust Punk to the
points of no return. Borgholm/Boras band – Hordes of The Apocalypse has
releasing the second album: Une Nuit Dans Le Cimetiere as creatively made
because of the handful bastards brain-dead sinister rockers duet as the usual
form-members core: Greigh Johanson (vocals, sampler, lyrics) and Thomas Nyholm
(vocals, drums, guitar, bass) naming themselves as a non-established
Metal-Heads that coming to crack your heads wide open or leading their infamous
repetitions of shambled dead walkers or ghouls topic to the cemetery’s orgy
sexual shown boobs and pussy of the dead girls smirking gnarled and waiting for
some stupid people to stop by and being aroused to be their meal victims.
dark of night and the similar order of most horror films would already had for
themed ideas are all here on the track-lists to be burst-out and banging your compound
away from safer conditions into the terror zone. A Cult of Blood-Drinking
Aristocrats, Metaphotic Clown going out for the killings, mysteriously
seductive The Moon Goddess to Fleshy Blonde She-Zombie or Revenge on The
Wreckers might dealt done the missions of this recording to not just as a
haunting version of GWAR’s sick ideas of building a bridge between Earth and
Horror-Land amusement place and sadistic deserted fields of carnage through
decades continuing to work out fine by Hordes of the Apocalypse.
Watch out for
the scythe – it’s fucking sharp, dudes !
Une Nuit Dans Le Cimetiere:
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