Live or die in Ostrava but don't ever under-estimating one of their local boys whose favorable and influenced by Napalm Death or other newer sub-genre scene of either Death Metal or Gore-grinding session of devastating double pedals and more shredding chops that can easily cut your heads off or putting you into the self-gagged condition right before some mad surgeons do the torturing experiments upon you with nothing you can do about it except giving up. These Gory Grinders form Czech Republic of a quartet: Robert Rozanski (guitars), David (bass), Porky (drums) and Kino (vocals) blaming the society over the lower-living standard and more poverty among common people while the richest are getting powerfully fat and rich every single day. As the menu for this occasion, Carnal Diafragma has this recording release entitled Grind Restaurant Pana Septika - a compiling of their most sickest and latest thousand times thrilling and tons of pornographic lyrics and imaginable scene that would easily comes to your mind if you can speak Czech or diligently - translates thus seventeen gory-sickest tracks including
Nedonosene morske plody na biskupskem chlebicku, Postelman a Semendavaj aneb Pudli puding ondulovany kulmou, Zapekane mysí novorozene v kocici remulade to Lehce zahana kokotnice v meduzím pyre or Cadaver in Medical Jurisprudence (Pathologist cover) among others - but no matter what; you will definitely will die in unspoken pains and enjoy the Gore-Grind extreme menus !
Grind Restaurant Pana Septika:
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