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The Second Debate (Lakeshore Records 2016)


   Based on the real events of experimental project on the seventies which studying for psychological personality traits between inmates and guards on the prison simulation went too far wrong not for the good cause as it’s aimed before but showing how humans can disgracing or disrespected others rights after a roleplay and the atmosphere build to backing-up the conducting acts of molesting, disregarding, slowly schizophrenic effects and long-period of affecting rage and hatred among themselves inside the project conducted by Professor Phillip Zimbardo taken palce under the ground floor of Stanford University; starring Billy Crudup, Ezra Miller and many more on this movie directed by Kyle Patrick Alvarez.
The soundtrack music score for Standford Prison Experiment is composed by Andrew Hewitt as the paid-off volunteering young males being interviewed and pick for their roles for this project turns the tide of this experiments from a quiet day one to more harassments during the next days and continues even worse; as inmates being tortured mildly to higher level of humiliations, physical abuse and punishments which turning even the calmest one into a raging, half-insane human beings. 
   The instrumental tracks like Letterwriting, Student Photos, Prison Interrogation, Breakdown Approaches to Escape or The End Begins will at least, showing the audiences the big disturbing picture about how this project really conducts out of controls and has to shutting down before the attempting schedule plans for two weeks row. 
The glimpse of a beautiful female on Christina Maslach (played by Olivia Thirlby) must be one of the sensual sensation recaptures as the savior for this project and Professor Phillip in the final hours; showing how science can be slowly went wrong but still awarded even for calling people by numbers not names as if they’re never exist. 

The Standford Prison Experiment Original Score: 

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