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Appeasing Blacklight (Independent 2013)

Bulldozing sounds blasting within the heavy riffs and slaughtering drum-beats probably will be your ultimate choice to spend a head-banging evening of deliberations through Psychedelic Stoner, Doomy Metal and Sludge Rock performance made by these Milwaukee, Wisconsin band of Sleestak as according to their releasing of Book of Hours which flaming rock-sounds to the bone as well the incoming blasts followed the lyrics of mystic spells or hallucination sphere circling the globe with hazy thick smoke towards spaces. 
The opening mouth of evil vomiting thus scary and ugly creatures from the depth of hell onto the Earth as the songs of Sleestak charging you with total destruction influenced by either Sabbath, Crowbar or Anselmo’s demonic themed and much more elements taken from the oldie horror movies by effects as you can listening most of them being blended through Lone Wolf, Seven Sorrows and Five Million Years to Earth – introducing drummer Marcus Bartell to bassist Dan Bell being the schematic compositions for completing the main-master brain of this group – Matt Schmitz; making their ways tearing down the veil of lies with magic, sun-downing effects, Desert-Rock atmosphere and mystery programs of how soon later the scene evolved.

Book of Hours:

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