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Vlad Nocturnal Genetic (Terranis Productions 2014)


Yes children, Krampus the winter demon is real - at least, the folklore told you about it's fiendish evil habitual are freaking true as the band from Veszprem (Hungary) adopting the name and the background history behind the mythical creature spreading the cold-blooded killings and torture kids whether they're naughty or not and through Death Metal and Grind-core extremity - all may not be forgiven. Releasing this Graveyard Blowjob would be a very smart moves from these metal-heads for Eastern Europe home of Attila The Hun's descendants: vocalist Norbert Molnar, drummer Norbert Kiss, Hernyak Szabolcs on bass guitar and shredder-head Tamas Kovacs like the four horsemen of the apocalypse riding fast in highest raging emotions as the band - Krampus talking a lot about society, sexuality and religion which is fake mostly - as horror images taken over the scene for ruling above the lame-ass stupid society allergic to Extreme Metal Music by general and should definitely being destroyed completely. The band exploiting their aggressive ways and brutal side-effects while producing the very fast tempos that would slicing or chopping you and the rest of the listeners into tiny pieces as the drilling riffs and heavy metallic sound blows the stereo-system up and out of business. Between the bleeding ears and the popped-out heart failures among your parents and priests on the evening sermon - raised your horns and head-bang hard as the metal music blaring aloud and dangerous than before through-out the valley within Disposed to Brutality, Cocksucker Corpse, Autoerotic Mummification and Revolting Agony - brings the destruction to the front door of your small church from across the cemetery next to it.

Graveyard Blowjob:

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