The project itself given the brethren lives through a format naming – simple as Lingouf and thus eerie sounds with musical breeding blends wrapped inside this rare recording on Illumina-TV; the strange releasing from the madness chaos brain-child that would feels like you entering the mythical animated odd-realm which showing more weird creatures in the middle of forest floor by your own conscious – either to explores or being lost without knowing the turning back road entrance anymore.
From thus slower builds down-tempo mid-life crisis troubles to the quicker relenting substantive points of paranormal activities on whacking the invisible herd of cosmic rabbits; find your own holding points through the chosen few noisy Electro music from Bankster, Joyeuse-Apocalypse or Mur-en-Tyb-Step to I’aiguille-des-secondes or Mooos as tranquility might shows up in short counting or not.
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