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Gargantua Tsakonas (Bandcamp 2014)

   MNRV Superduty or Minerva Superduty’s self-titled recording on Kalamata, Greece with things you can tag mostly experimental chaotic Hardcore-Punk or Post-Punk and Sludge off Menios’ Basement as these local rockers quartet of George (guitar), Sypros (guitar 2), Stavros (bass) and Phillipos (drums) as some of you good listeners keeps on searching through a rabbit hole of internet browsers and luckily enough on finding these guys with no worries for non-soft or illegal begging through crushing sounds and music which also requiring a tip of an iceberg related to cult symbols on the front cover best to be listened after an evening meal because you need to resting after daily routine and just mosh on through the opener Sklenos pt.1 or Corvie. 

Also keep on blasting this excessive recording and great packaging disc that burns with Progressive metallic sounds and good music to extract by your ears.

Minerva Superduty:

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