Waltham, MA Punk Rock Pop band consisting of
five young studs with their greasy and black leather jackets kinds of reminding
you about the past fashionable intellectual off The Clash but right now comes
back with the more melodic Skate-Pop and grid-power that can makes the
listeners jumping or moshing-out on the crowds like a splendid maniac going to
their first ever Rock concert and surprisingly, having lots of good fucking
time together as the band – USA! USA! USA! With Frank, Bang, Pat, Dave and
Romeo not go blushing but bashing your ears with their perfect rocking tensions
of track-listing via the recording release on What’s Your Name ? as the
romance-tinged and awesome trendy lyrics as the group talking about the most
precious things in this life for them might be honestly – the girls who comes
in many shapes, skin-colors, various boobs from the standard to the enormous
ones or might be just being respect towards the most beautiful creations made
by the almighty as they’re matched with the black leather jacket’s boys here on
the band. Listen to anything you wanted and pick one or two or more than three
girl names there like Marissa, Christine or Sarah and maybe one of them used to
be yours as then a past memory; you will love to having them on your stereo to
entertain you and the rest of your day (with Angelo’s Pizza, Doghouse Coffee or
Harley Davidson Sandwich) …
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