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The Legend Stake (Self-Released 2016)

Scottish Celtic singer arrived to your frontgate’s palace as she brought most of her Traditional materials and musical performance that would delivering our imaginations quickly going away to the Middle Earth place where every fantasy, elves and creatures and castles still exist in pride or glory that also marking the specific likes from those whom loving to have their choices of musical of World variations or simply, just Celtic Music which influenced by Clannad, Loreena McKennitt, Kate Bush or Annie Lennox with much further thick Traditional sounds magically, investing our atmosphere with peace and gladness as well as mystical power and healing spirits that helping the mind and soul to develops into a new mankind in upper level – closer to the divinity which shall teaching us more about respects and friendships in a most natural ways. 
The Dunfermline (Scotland) based singer, musician and artists also song-writer and healer woman – Karliene; trying harder to heal wounds that can make Mother Earth’s bleeding and displeased as spreading good hoep and positive messages through her recording album and as an example you might wanted to try to learn more about Queen of Camelot. Picturing the essential Folklore musical with thus royally, beauty within power, loyalty and intrigue as related realm between this and another dimensions attached within the Classical and Traditional sounds produced by the recording of Karliene. Anthem of Autumn when the Round Table left in the cold while the King and Princes left to pursuing their bucket of wish-lists leaving the queen unguarded inside her stronghold – sadly singing the praise songs of wishes or hope via My Heart Will Be My Ruin, Destined, Sir Lancelot to Bridled Hearts and Ride with Me or The Wolf and The Moon. 

A Celtic way of celebrating The End of Love … 

Queen of Camelot:

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