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Ba Bosana (Offbeat Records 2008)

   The Congolese born musician, fluent and elegance master guitarist, singer and composer with many collaborations development but choose to move himself within the talents to Ireland, exactly to Greystones from Kinshasa. Niwel Tsumbu might be one of a kind artists or music-maker with such an intelligent aspects brought within him since a little boy as well as the reputation for being known around some parts of Europe by now; recording his number one debut which gladly brings Africa (not only) to Europe but around the world as his musical journey continues as his career expanding. Songs of The Nations might be a proof to any World Music lovers especially, Africans traditional and modern format of both vocalizations or instrumentals type of sounds in variety mostly covered within these album of “part Africans, part Latin and part Black modern sounds” with a very much alive rhythmic and beats dynamically – burst through thus percussions ensemble in colorful background which either Belgique-Congolaise, Acoustic-Retro sounds to free-trad of  Jazzy and the fast crazy fingers youmight cannot beat from Niwel. Dance Brothers and Sisters – Dance for being free and celebrates the variety of being humans for the loving of Mother Africa Land through Ainsi Va La Vie, Yoka, Kabunze, Tika or Kimia. 

Songs of The Nations:

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