Brutalized attacking the stereo system within this semi-permanent
explosive raw but also professional composing music and sound engineering; into
gore, mutilation, sickness or perversion of the themed lyrics which has made
there – the band themselves successfully recaptures the second changes for good
timing on releasing their next gory recording on under the realm of
environmentalist issues survivor just like the picture of a baby sea lion
watching the slaughter of its kind surrounded by bloodbath panorama that will
making every of you disgusting as the ten tracks of destruction stories on
Deformity of Human Consciousness vomiting thus terror tales about how our
modern world controls our own fate that certainly, almost on the edge of
extinction from Illusion of Withering, Hate Purgatory, Despite of Desolation or
Mortal Awareness which sounded smarter for an Extreme band off China for
digging more stuff like this along with the blending on some local Chinese sample
spoken words and conversations letting you know that they’re too are talented
yet dangerous.
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