Unique branding as the mixture
of these Hispanic-Taiwanese recording group brought the audiences their sincere
Electronic-Pop off Taipei in Spanish lyrics must be a guaranteed that the
musical providers really amusing to catch and you may believe it as Duda
Deportiva releasing their full album called Artefactos as the band themselves
consisting the quartet with miraculously talents and chances to shining brighter
now being known as Chema Gonzalez (vocals, guitars, synthesizers), Zac Chang
(bass), Chen Han (drums) to Michii Hayashi (guitars) as being supported by the Republic
of Taiwanese cultural minister for this effort and such a compromising softer
delicate sounds produced and mixed in such a convenient ways through El
Fantasma de las Elecciones Pasadas to Maquinas de Software Intercambiable as
the romantic themed as well as the groovy fusion of Pop-Indie, Rock Electro and
funky modern Latino melody rhythms are all being too good to be true to entertaining
those Pop-music lovers anywhere with this one.
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