Di Belakang Garis Musuh (or Behind
The Enemy Lines) showing to you about how Heavy Metal Extreme in Indonesia
being trapped but not yet captured and sacking inside by those whom in hatred
wants to disposing this type of head-banging music from two directions as
Grausig – the Death Metal group releasing this album after thirteen years of
repression pressures or tensions in between the nation’s politics changes to
worse and then, getting worser to today. The ignorant, fanatics and military
wings have tried to conquer the essential power by making the common people
suffer while the political parties kept their promises to ensuring that all the
money flows onto their own fat pockets shall always giving the underground
music scene themes for their struggling fights in making distorted, growling
and disturbance of metallic music just like Teokrasi Biru, Doktrinasi Cacat
Temporer, Pralaya Hipokrit, Infeksi Kanibal Utopia and Doomsday; as the
non-martyrdom scene of extremist musicians trying to end the hierarchy of those
representative liars and mafia kings to military bigotry factions that kept
tearing the country apart since the new regime comes as they’re easily gone and
replaced by something worse than the previous inside the satanic circle on false
For the real fanatic fucking fans of Napalm Death or the old Sepultura ...
Di Belakang Garis Musuh:
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