The Other Side must be a hidden plan on an inner-self emotions felt quite disturbing by these quartet of Progressive Symphonic Rock of Denmark’s Akoma. When there’s public concern about the end of the world as predicted falsely, Akoma seems to have another plan for coming back to the previous misty castle in the middle of nowhere as the band’s really develops their ability and performance over the questioning on how the band’s will once again surviving the modern day Metal scene which lately, being ill-fated caused by too much solo acts and commercial recordings that forced heavy Metal to crawling back onto their old cave underground but the reality is some people refuses to stop hailing good Heavy Metal music and Akoma’s album would be one of those favorable ones.
As the high-tension and operatic female vocalist leading her role with the musicians playing and head-bangs behind her; the romantic voices to My Love or Bittersweet Memories brought trust back.

The Other Side:
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