Dressing-up in tights
within the Modern Nu-Metal style would becoming, the style that might going to
kill the career of the band’s entire great talents off the awesome Progressive
Metal music which written down an epic, power and overcoming struggle around it
as the central producing this better sounds from Helsinki; you might loving
them – Tunnelvision; the five-piece rockers from the North territory creating
their own distinctive melodies, grooves and extreme clean-sheet solidify
between the performing musical skills independently through the second efforts
here: Tomorrow. Vocalist Marko Waara, Vili Ollila on keyboards, Juhani Malmberg
the shredder, bassist Lauri Porra and drummer Mika Rantanen trying to produced
the record which might gone related to the story facts about how the Earth’s
actually, having a disc shape as there’s not conclusion topics which supporting
that completely there but other subjects which praising some kinds of knowledge
or false technology related across thus Silence, Parasites, The Hermit (Wait
and See), Don Juan’s Triumph or Ribbon of Tears even though the cover in blue
might trying to express the relations.
Anyway, enjoy the symphonic melodies
jamming for those who loved the metallic grooves !
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