Fatty Mary – mother of all
holy Techno-mix, Rave-Rock, Chiptune, Break-core and drum n’ bass exploding
creativity made into chaotic recording from Benjamin Pena of Florida area as
producer, mixer, music engineer or concept maker s well as the master mind
behind this total super-beast beats album releasing on Producer Snafu’s
Blasphemous but the actual biography tells us that Ben a.k.a Producer Snafu is
Perris, California native but anyway – if you really dig much of all those
gaming sounds, samples that didn’t sucks whole or simply, just love to dance
your ass up via much intolerable sounds of noise blending then you’re coming to
the right place for it. Don’t questioning the answer for What Does Snafu Mean ?
(Intro) but try to just get sexually naked as the second track of Welcome to
The Mind Producer Snafu (Revised) followed by a bewildering of What’s Ma Mutha Fuckin Name and
Eclectic Dreams as did the banging session as well via They’ll often Misuse The
Word Hate to Justify Their Stupidity as a powerful of next digital typhoon
noises attack comes within A Hypomanic Interlude Before Things Get Rude may
giving you a ridicule headache permanently if you did listening to this shit
outside the clubbing sacred area but everything’s possible as one luckily had a
temporary deaf effects after being dumb putting those volume in a fucking loud
position then press play this !
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