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Rod’s Doorway (Vertical Records 2000)

   Celtic-fusion of Edinburg’s combinations for Scottish traditional and Electronic to Alternative Rock music that taste and sounded awesome made internationally by these six-piece group of Shooglenifty that consisting of Malcolm Crosbie (electric guitar, acoustic guitar, electric sitar, mandolin), Garry Finlayson (5-strings banjo, banjax), Angus R. Grant (fiddle), Conrad Ivisky (bass guitar, double bass, harmonica, berimbau), James Mackintosh (drums, percussions, psaltery, bass) and Iain McLeod (mandolin, vocals) did thus awesome job through their releasing album from the band’s third installments – Solar Shears. The emphasis beats that comes and echoing as they’re gone but remembered by the audience and the listeners as interesting and innovative not only for the brilliant music but also the images captured on the artworks which highly originals as regarded. Extended and expanding as a shining sun-flare at the last minutes of Winter or the first drop of dew in the morning of Summer; beautiful tracks (some) with their weird themed title like The Hijab for tolerating the brave new world and get rid of the old and useless ways which only making indifferences to Schuman’s Leap about the time travelling for a last chance of life, August or Delighted and the traditional tales of Maggie Ann of Clachnabrochan or the fiction sitcom perhaps, adding within Bjork’s Chauffeur. It works just fine. 


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