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Trust To Burn (Dias De Garage 2005)

   Twelve songs for package for this Thrash/Death Metal  profit on JesusMartyr groovy blasts from Buenos Aires philosophers with their mosh-pit headbangers Death Metal dialogues and the self-titled album The JesusMartyr even though the audiences quickly will senses the inner-self of heavy influences of Nu-Metal alliance from Cuidad Autonoma De Buenos Aires – exploding the indifference dominance power-stacking late heroes using the burst track-listing along alike 6 Fingers, Taste of The Pray, Mercenario, Rebellion Inca and Zonda in Domino Fall and fire-blaster thing as the Absolute or African Tour; with the taste of poisonous riffs and counter-strikes renounces like the performance through the tribute for Megadeth on Hangar de Almas as preference. 
The quartet really fits for the medium-apprentice listeners whose trying to learn more about a moderate noises that didn’t torturing really really hard and extreme through this band. 

Some says they’re religious but others decided that they’re secular. 


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