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The Blue The Grey (Bandcamp 2016)

   Ursula Kurasik is a piano teacher, arranger of music and producer for her own talents made into popularity or not doesn’t matter because even though she didn’t wrote down anything on her own yet formally, the compiling recording release from her as the example about how exciting and possibly erotic piano performance that she play along towards the goodie-bag of these cover tribute called Pianocore Goes Parkway Drive Vol. 2 has the interests showing as some ears and eyes are opening for the audible music sound which comparably harmonic and smooth via the works of our Melbourne-based girl with green-hair and nose piercing not as Ursula but Misstiq. Six tracks beautifully being covers by Misstiq on the record such as A Deathless Song, Vice Grip or Destroyer and one might hypothetically being hypnotized asleep through the minutes of amusing soft Classic performance by her alone, peaceful.


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