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Veuve Noire (Independent 2012)

   Don’t believe your eyes for looking at the hot sexy front-woman off this Geneva’s Death-Metal Core band Ironoya that excessively, throwing their mini album not to impressing people or the global ears but just being creative and done their hobbies and life-style as Extreme Metal musicians as the brunette long hair and beautiful looks cannot hiding the comparison that the girl’s surely can growl guttural, freaking hard through the band’s e.p recording  entitled Testament which brought to front the raging painful and fully destructive music to your face through your ears and nose holes to possessing the listener on liking them which actually, not too that difficult to do and the shredders or the harsh sonic Hardcore/Metal growls from vocalist Stephanie Huguenin, double six-string shreds: Dejan Curic and Baud Mortimer while the bass guitar played by Thomas Nykel and the heaviset drumming led by Samuel Python – leaving Testament tracks like Redemption or Nouvelle Ere that inviting you to head-banging fucking hardest as the metal music scattering the stage or the peaceful of the house; don’t hesitate to run or change the subjects. 

Ironoya's Testament:

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