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Changing Lives (Self-Released 2017)

   Must be the twelfth album releases so far from the North Workshire’s Progressive Rock, Hard Rock Celtic to Folk-Rock but for the highest of all level of great Pink Floyd therefore this newest recording presents as done as Sight of Day recorded and composing by the many members of the band such as Bryan Josh (vocals, guitar, keyboards), Olivia Sparnenn-Josh (vocals, keyboards, tambourine), Iain Jennings (keyboards, organ), Andy Smith (bass), Alex Cromarty (drums, percussion), Chris Johnson (vocals, guitar, keyboards, tambourine) and the female one Angela Gordon as mascot as well as (flute, whistle, recorder, backing vocals). 
Being Progressive and Avant-Garde and Traditional as Mostly Autumn always sounded alike since the mid ninety-five’s era to the reality days today. Making you and the rest of thus fan-based loving musical mixed between Pink Floyd and Pop-Arena Classic Retro Rock passage glued by the album and the great artworks passing through the world of imaginations and awesome songs like The Man without a Name, Native Spirit, Hammerdown, Forever Beyond to Raindown – peacefully and magical to have for your stereo playlists.  

Sight of Day:

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