Punk-Hardcore quartet from Austin, Texas that features Arak Avakian, Chris
Ulsh, Juan Carlos to Sam Pennington releasing their British’s Punk-HC methods
sounds like the one you may finding inside GBH or UK Subs or Hardcore version
of The Sex Pistols blasts which at that time didn’t truly fits with the front
cover artworks that basically, approving the occults or the free-thinker basic
to sending the prelude to social warfare or class-actions war ticks when you
decided to waste no time and loudly play the aggressive music from Strutter
through this mini album of 7”.
Busted and Excluded might sounded hard but
coming too short in form – but once again, don’t under-estimate the power of
burning fights against injustice and Punk-Hardcore really knows how to make
small things turned out to be a huge explosion – just like this !
Strutter's 7":
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