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Low Across Mountain (Ripple Music 2016)

The quartet of openly Stoner/Southern Hard Rock-based sounds that could forcing you to head-banging like crazy maniac as the beers keep on pouring and while drinking; the bikers massing around to make the small bar turning into the motor-heads version of Tortuga in the middle of nowhere desert as the tuning trap might not being too softer as Mark Aceves (bass), Greg Lopes (guitars), Rich Harris(drums) and Pete Sattari (guitar, vocals) blasting their latest recording Trouble in Eden which sexually and purely rocking in the mix off an artworks, the density of groovy music and thus riff-age tension to rising the inner-fire starter within the audience bewildering to following the crashing rock music to the end. Manufactured guitar-themed music and ferocious melodies taking turns to rape your ears within the sensual Bluesy and Modern Rock rootsy off Today Not Tomorrow, Blood Of The Fallen, Save You From Yourself, The Only True Thing and High Indeed; like a blessing to any rock-heads for granted no more but this amazing record as a freaking gift rewarded by the eight-handed goddess of destruction !  

Trouble In Eden:

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