Not copying
Beastie Boys or even the parade of Popish Hip-Metal community but in persuasion
for being tolerable and understanding task by crossing the early days over the
new millennium; you need to be sure that whether you acting silly stupid or just
creating your own band costume along with beatable good music to produced or
writing for, these Edinburgh-Scotland’s crate diggers, collective music-makers,
musicians or DJ’s and lyricists complete standing together inside the magic
circle of sharpen soaring mystique of scientific Rap fictional themes reactions
as being labeled as rebels for their time, weirdy as an Alternative music and
comprehensively abstract, philosophic and psychedelic as featuring names from
Gary Morton, Bryan Jones, Kimo Kuts and Jane Gilbert providing their scratches
mixture, sexual/sensual lyrics for the bad days and even the semi-black magic
ritual based-on Classic Old School and New School Rap music to Electronic
Hip-Hop masters willing to filled up the gap between the legends and the
newcomers on European side.
By Poltergeeks recording; you might going to get a
little bit floaty whilst the play-lists beating up the stereo system through
Fear Not The Accusations of a Thousand Index Fingers …, Fairy Press, Silicon
Infants, Goodman Speakers Are Shit ! and Victim of A Car Crash reliable to
exposing such a funny reality that the group covering Black Sabbath’s Iron Man
via thus Acapella version Broken Man – must be silly but never
disrespecting by sounds !
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