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Monkeys Three (Bandcamp 2016)

Anne Quillier on fender Rhodes/moog/composition to Pierre Horckmans (clarinette, clarinette basses, composition) must be a couple whom loving music best and the most where on this occasional event for music product; you and the audience got the infamous magic instrumental Jazz-Rock that composed within a very delighted smooth feelings and commemorated of fantastic persuasive as the improvisations led you to entering pillow-land as the eyes getting heavy but the heart’s getting mesmerized through-out the brilliant play performance from these two artists recording themselves as Watchdog while releasing You’re Welcome. 

A hard and rare collections for those whom craving Jazz Music pretty much and more to fanatic fans of this old Classic music that never outdated as Blind Drunk, Candy Dream, Goosebumps and Last Dreamer flows like an old train’s new quest . 

You're Welcome:

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