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Breaking The Habit (Vitamin 2006)

The String Quartet Tribute to Linkin Park’s Meteora may sounded like an ordinary instrumentals of Classical Music displayed completely non-famous onto those Nu-Metal hits made by one of the last iconic heroes from Hip-Metal era after the scene long-time demise right before the new millennium started. But many would weeping like a lost child or thinking the one whom been lost in the haze of confusions of life within this presentations and then, the recording release by The Vitamin String Quartet can describing the Symphonic Rock ensemble here may sounding like those warmer funeral songs for the famous band to their permanent ends. 

Eerie and echoing far are the chosen picking tracks performed by the string-arrangers and musicians like Tom Vos, Kathleen Robertson, John Krovoza, J’Anna Jacoby, Ilona Geller or Anna Stafford; as the reality tribute of melodical harmony capturing the essential anger, social values, messages that never been understands by the crowds or perhaps, the hidden agenda being spreading within the lyrics of catastrophic art of Heavy Metal Music mixed with Electro Hip Hop for generations through Easier To Run, Foreword, Somewhere I Belong, Hit The Floor, Faint as well as Nobody’s Listening or Numb. 

Empowering your mind and started a brand new consciousness before the late minutes of midnight …


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