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Last Unbeatable (Ruut Music 2013)

   Finnish singer continuing her story as she left her home country to residing permanently onto Baltimore, MD just after the memories about her family moved away to Budapest and before that Ruut DeMeo had spending her childhood temporary in Helsinki just before everything’s turning out to be changed entirely for her decision to moving by her intuitions and actually, it’s not failing her down but within the ticking of time; her lucks really shaping better not because she’s a daughter of filmmaker/composer Tuomas Sallinen of Kuopio. 
   Our beloved blonde female singer and a great pianist is also a good song-writer and music composer which approving to the new world she living in now, a talented Finnish girl really can creating awesome music and songs as being recorded on Ruut album called Glimpse; the Pop-Rock and modern Pop Rn’ B through Hourglass, Make It Good, Church Bells and No One Will Ever Love You – carrying many of those distinctive daily feelings some people desperately needs them to help shaping life to be much much better than before as this time sounded religiously Pop . 
   Romance and breakable instinct collided for this record release considerable to be fantastically full with emotions and harmony. 

You think Ruut is beautiful too ? Well, not just only that actually … 


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