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Sally Tee Pees (Sub Pop 2012)

   J. Tillmann born and grew up in the Evanglical church household as Joshua Michael “Josh” of Rockville – Maryland is a real lesser known American singer, composer, song-writer, musician, guitarist and drummer whom made many contributions in popular artists albums such as our beautiful Beyonce and hot Gaga Lady. Under his pseudonym character chosen to be J. Tillmann but then later on known as Father John Misty soloist project; Fear Fun album has been released and recording as his first effort which includes many musicians like Jonathan Wilson (electric guitars), Keefus Green (piano), Casey Wescott (bass guitars), Ben Peeler (pedal-steel), Hugo Nicolson (omni-chord program) to fiddler player Sara Watkins – gathering up for the big feast of Folkish celebrations as J.Tillmann being the main figure to driving the group project to walk slowly in mesmerizing performance there. One will becoming amazed while listening to the combinations like sounds between Dylan, Baez, 70’s Woodstock collections to the 80’s peace-train themes and the 90’s Alternative Country to beloved through the Folk-Rock prophecy on Nancy From Now On, Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings, I’m Writing a Novel and Funtimes In Babylon. 

Narrative, psychedelically Pop and attractive to make you smoking pot and relaxing again from sucked-up life !

Fear Fun:

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