Brutal Death Metal spreading mutilations and deader lyrics possible like an
infected knowledge of surgeon and tortures combined into one category led the
massive extremities made out of Tallinn, Estonia as thus medical correlations
of insanity exploding chaos sounds in its classical double pedals amok and
madness of riffs onto the philosophy fits only for maniacs and psychotic heads
whom liking deeper roots of Death Metal full of blood tension as well as the
carving of anything abnormal brought to your fucking face by Hymenotomy band
which consisting of bunch of other extreme group’s members for another crazy
project did really wrong via the long titled album called Some Necrophiles
Having Sax with Naked Autopsied Bodies in The Morgue – sounding pathetic and
thrilling to most of you displaying cadaveric undead bodies to a little Goat of Mendes (in a fucking good way for Death Metal themed).
Trio like Carcass; Are “USB” Kangus on bass, Aivar Keermann (guitars) and
Markus Saar (drums, vocals) blasting the hateful and misguided illegal surgery
and mutilations manual steps not as practice within Gigantic Dildo Constructed
from Putrid Human Body Parts Stolen from a Local Cemetery or Romantic Rape
Fantasy about Pegging Your Grandfather with a Strap-on kKnife Dildo or Orgasm
Achieved by Disemboweling Pregnant Women and Inserting Decapitated Fetuses into
Hairy Anus shall making people head-banging like nuts to severed vomiting
continuously for the purposes of this brutal music of scary metal shredding the
victims into pieces by pieces.
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