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By Rainbows (Bandcamp 2016)


   Funny how the improvisation story of a band being born or formed in a remote place always will fascinating us sometimes just like the piece of bold and long tracks for The Radiance – a group that playing their version of modern experiments on Psychedelic Rock to Rn’B or Ambient Alternative for being formed in Beijing (China) by female singer/song-writer Miranda Vukasovic  (piano, keyboards) along with Steve Blaque (electric guitar, bass, acoustic guitar, trumpet, synthesizer, piano), Leigh Ryan (drums, percussion), Heike Kagler (cello, backing vocals), Eric Tsen (saxophone) and been helpful task-force team to the band; Stuart Wiggin (rhymer), Tash Jameison (backing vocals) and Anna Kouri (backing vocals) as the music on Soft Machine been arranged by the duet Vikasovic and Blaque.
   The kaleidoscope emotions of fragile visual arts and sounds performance for the album – Soft Machine as it displaying groovy songs accomplished like BAM, Paper Airoplane or Beginning of The End with the background flirts of your imaginations for beauty in music or the forbidden city tour. 

Soft Machine:

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