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Far Out Croozin’ (Fat Wreck Chords 2016)

Long enough since the kiddie-time bad experience on being trapped while biking near the dump-waste area and then being chased by thus flesh-eating plant monsters as kinds of imaginative like some short story from the crypt’s chamber’s tales but he bygone be bygone and Punk-trio from Portland, OR based (The) Mean Jeans truly now grow older and mature and meaner but the music stays the same. 
Through the heavy influences from The Ramones-que era and newer Pop-Rock alternative familiar clothing wears; Andrew Bassett, Christian Blunda and Jr. Jeans did their moment in outer-space adventure and this time going back to America as the home-coming Pop-punkers good and loud enough for speeding skates and extreme BMX acrobats by the releasing latest booked album by Fat Mike’s label on Tight New Dimension. 
Stop feeling guilty for sing-along cursing the modern world with Trash Can, Allergic to Success, I Don’t Care That I Don’t Care or Are There Beers in Heaven onto Michael Jackson was Tight; profiling the wicked naughtiness for the band’s youth spirits and free speech lyrics to punching the full of crap men right on their disgusting nuts !

Tight New Dimension:

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