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Intravert N (Cuntree Cabins Stuntwood & Tapes 2006)

Underground Rap to Hip-Hop to continuity of a sophomore elements happening to gathered around a unity from two heads and one heart on the practice performance on these Chicago’s features Indie-Rap artist off Vertual Vertigo as a reality shows that they’re not from this world but somewhere else just temporary stays before finishing the missions and fly back to homeland … the Planet Vert.

One got an immediate escapes as the featuring new productions from this Down-Tempo, Electronic Alternative Rap events or series marking the group’s core members; Cerebral Vortex’s Dennis Alfred Berry and Japandrew of San Antonio and Ezekiel38 of Illinois setting their sails together now and releasing this mini recording out of …Back To Tha Pod which inviting you for an intergalactic conscious and abstract mixing on Electro-Hip Hop and the audience would love to have their good picking over Space Cops, Oooo, Galactic Travel Music and Jewelz@Nite. 

Producer by Aether216 and scratches fully respects for The Phonosapiens. 

Whoomp !!!


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