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Lucid Times (Not On Label 2013)

For the likes on your favorable off the name like Blood Ceremony or the older stuff from any occult-Doom Rock bands that you love to listening before and after the dawn for the resurrection of our mighty Horror Rock and Doom Metal Psychedelic-tinged sounds may occur within the surroundings visions of thus active new group from Chicago, Illinois as their occultism and horror background or influences spreading like a disease of wildfire maggots invisible to see but crawling inside your skin once they’re landed there but beauty and high-pitched cute tones vocals and female intuitions onto the slower bashing pounds of funeral-themes not faded but strong within the releasing debut from Mount Salem. 
Comprising for a quartet of Mark Hewett, Kyle Morisson, Emily Kopplin and Cody Davidson filling their atmosphere by ancient Doom Rock spilling blood and ritual essence smell like a certain death seduces one over tarot’s card-dealer on The Tower, Full moon, Hysteria, Mescaline and Mescaline II all the last steps for The End as they’re appear on the reading. Endless is the great record telling us the reversed of aim and fate when someone’s diamonds would be another one’s death for life isn’t fair …


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