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Moore Branca (Independent 2012)

Avant-Garde unit of Depressive Black Metal in their sadness, death, socialism and anarchy background as the band calling themselves as picked the name of Gulag; administered of Soviet force labor camp system from the 30’s system approved by the government as theirs. 
These Sao Paulo, Rio De Janeiro which consisting of two actual metal-heads: Morus Penumbra (bass) and Mael Cornely (guitars, vocals) have releasing their latest recording of classic harmonic extremity behind Death and its Roses full-length album separates in twelve songs. 
Right from the choice of Death in June’s cover – But What Ends When The Symbols Shatter ? or Para Limbo onto the heavier Against Us or the instrumental addition for Rosa Azul to the perfect haunting track like on Gauzes lies there within the exact eight minutes duration shall raising the dark images about either the conditions of human enslavement via the blasting sounds or the creepy story behind how thus cover artworks represent as it chosen pretty well b the damned group project.

Death and Its Roses:

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