Comprising of the Sydney’
Australia trio: Julia Wylie (vocals, bass, guitar), Mathew Frederiksen
(guitar/bass, vocals) and Peter Beringer (drums) may contains that grungy in
echo-laden and hazy distorted of softenenr Shoegaze riffage so catchy or floaty
in a presentation off Gothy strong sounds like as nailed briefly blends as the
swift for an ear-holes kick by Juliawhy? Within the immature touches from the
influential Kim Gordon hallucinating standard fast solos and moaning sore vocals
and the simplicity monotonous bass-line as comparison over the freight-train
bullets acknowledge in Wheel by the New South Wales Alt-rockers.
Edgy pacifier
tones and mustard templates among the regular grunge show still available for
Sydney area and wider – here’s your tricky tracks compiled as one record of
eight songs like Just One Night, Bride To Be, La La Love and Flowers.
... Better the sounds than the plain art-cover.
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