Speaking about promotions, this releasing
record album entitled Manthemic should be a good example about how younger
generations now fighting the establishment of early and older society values
that being seen as an embarrassing weakness for not showing progress to moving
on as human beings – us turning to sociopathic robots being controlled everyday
by the authority without even for couple minutes can describing ourselves free
by rights. Nudity, animal farm sexual contents or just good for business sound
of Rock n’ Roll spontaneity may occurred within these valuable track-list
record for fighting fundamentalism views from deploying further through Drug-Crazed
Alien Sex Lords, White Ray Charles, Who Needs A Dick, Pop-Fem, Mooncup and Look
We Just Don’t Give A Fuck – acclimated the truth telling or shouted right in your wanker face; you bigots ! You
no good shitty cunts !
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