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Flowers The Wall (Reprise Records 1966)

She’s her father’s daughter for sure because then grown up to be just like a footsteps following one those greatest legendary Pop-singer of all time – Nancy Sinatra (the daughter of Frank Sinatra) is also a great singer of her times then but not like her father but formulating almost as good as it gets to have an almost rebellious daughter whom not trying to make her images looks innocent or religious in front of the public eyes possibly has creating Nancy to be something else that her dad’s would proud in the most different ways and through her solo career as a Pop-Rock, Easy-Listening to Jazz and Country stars with less kindly sided or you might calling her a little bit bitchy but honest approves that on her second mighty album of all-time of her musical lives – Boots really capturing most attentions from the Pop-listeners and the public worldwide. Tight leathers or semi-soft porn star looks but the slicky not silky performance from her on this one was actually good one as it gets infamous by the lining-up lists of original tracks to covers and some of them may turning your grandma, your mom or your mother in law realizing how girls “can” have some fun in their lives just like the prolific songs like As Tears Go By, I Move Around, In My Room, The Beatles’ tune – Day Tripper onto thus classic everlasting songs like It Ain’t Me Babe and These Boots Are Made For Walkin’. Not many Pop artists wanted to make a close competition with this girl at that time. Her golden legacy just proceed her rough presence … 


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