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Hey! Woo! Yea! (Jive 2003)


   Besides his musical career on the wealthy known Ska-Punk band used to be one of the best in US; Aaron Barrett found himself surrounded by more pals than he would ever loves it in beats like Chris Colonnier, Derek Gibbs, Jay Lafayette, John Christianson, John Throop to Justin Ferreira stick in their new clan’s name The Evils in a lesser-known side-group playing Indie-Punk and Ska as well as Alternative Rock called The Forces of Evil.
As the group releasing the one and only album ever made by them and keep asking question about Friend Or Foe ? 
Not really too damn different with his previous one but you got to know when you got to go in blasting style and as his bigger and more established band abandoned by the fans so did this one died.    Still, you can feel the feet clumsy doing the dance or skanking; power-Pop glory blazing and the boredom really changed to colorful tasty moment as you listening to Angry Anthem, Go To Hell, My Life and Mistake or thus legit cover of Van Halen’s Dance The Night Away which all flipping Worst Day into an answer you can find for the question asks. 

Friend or Foe:

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