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Love & Roses (Idol Records 2003)

   Not on their popular times fame anymore after the explosive hits o the debut album release and the singles that made Sponge – our Detroit’s Alternative Rock band famous entirely around US soil and world-wide mainly known well but since that second and third records there’s nothing specific happens to be creatively rocked out of these formation. Remembering Vinnie Dombroski, Jimmy Paluzzi or Joey Mazzola from the main characters off the band; still not lame enough not doing but numb and keeps on recorded a comeback rocking records by the midst of two-thousands with For All The Drugs in The World that attaching some of thus branding drum-beats and riffs picking excellence  to assures that Sponge still here to stay as being a background stories behind the door of opportunity themes or lyrics that some of them also in reality addicted really bad to something sedative and these songs telling us about it – straight from the horse mouth. Tim Krukowski on guitars or Billy Adams the drummer replacing some old members with Dombroski/Mazzola written most of the group’s materials there to recording and it wasn’t that bad. From Treat Me Wrong, Leave This World, the classic hair-rock ballad on Burn, 28 Days and Unpopular Girl to Dandelion’s Roar in a soaring terrible tells the real news about how bad life’s already threatening Sponge since then and you can captured the sadness …

For All The Drugs in The World:

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